::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lies and such

I return from recluse to do this one very particular entry.

It is dedicated to someone or a particular group of someones.
(Whichever applies)

I am not trained to take sides.
Usually I'm not. As much as I like to give an astrological answer to this peculiar habit of mine, (I'm Libran, you see) I don't think there really is.

I don't take sides because in principle I always hold the belief that to one single story, there's always 2 sides.
Or at least two perspectives to that same story.

For example, the witch in snow white and seven dwarves may really be a sad and insecure witch who really just wanted company and be loved. Or perhaps snow white was a bitch and did something bad to the witch. The possibilities are endless and I will reach no end detailing each possibility.

I do not readily pass a judgement on the other person.
Truly I don't.
Man are inherently good by nature.
Circumstances force them otherwise. (Or so I like to think)

There are however instances where I question this very naive belief of mine.

Instances as such.

Without naming names and giving references to specific people or events.

Let's just say that lies are sometimes told, in the hope that the other person would fall for it.
You break that beautiful vase in the living room, and tell your mother you didn't know what had happened and you were no where near that vase. You are in actual hoping that your mother buys that story and believes you.
You place faith in that little story and in your mother.

In reality, would the boy's mother believe that lie told? Would she not be able to assess the situation and be able to tell that this is a lie simply fabricated by the boy to get himself out of that particular situation?

It is an insult to the person you lie to really.
You assume that the person is incapable of thought, incapable of judging the situation and understanding the picture.

That's why, I hate being lied to.
It's a total insult to me.

Do you not think that I was able to assess the situation, listen out the little tale told and think it ridiculous?
I am just speaking for myself here. People have different reasons why they hate being lied to. But mine's simply this.
How simple a lie would still come undone very easily.

It doesn't take a very smart person to know you're lying.
It just takes a very intuitive one.

So for the sake of everybody else. Stop assuming that your lies are foolproof. Because as like all lies. It's simple and ridiculously easy.
It becomes an insult.

This group of people, to whom I'm dedicating this entry to, are the worse scums Earth has seen. Everyone tells a lie once in awhile. Fib a little to get their way out of the situation. But wouldn't this once-in-awhile habit become more than what it is?
For that pious person you think you are, fibbing as such, should it not be a sin? Should you not need to repent?

Crocodile tears, I've seen it (on a second hand basis) for the first time. I swear I've never encountered an uglier person than this.
It all disgust me to no end.

You don't even know me, how do you know it's me?

I do not intend to return.

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At 3:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey your back :)

At 3:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to state who I was :)

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Trixyy said...

Actually, I'm not. And you're gone too, so I can't leave you a note to tell you my new place.
Email me if you are interested. =)


At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey I have been blog hopping so much I haven't really settled at one place yet.... Currently I am looking at wordpress (in favor of the password protect feature) .... cause wretch.cc is a big screw up.....

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:23 PM, Blogger Trixyy said...

I emailed you already..

At 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trainwreckers turn out to be women. How tragic!

see it at heavennose.blogspot.com


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