::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Sunday, August 13, 2006

She's Gone.

The writer of this blog is gone.
Or rather, she has escaped to the wonderland for the utterly brainless. Due to the lack of intellectual activity, her brain malfunctioned and has decided to rot away. As a result of the lack of activity to the brain, she will be imprisoned in the wonderland for the utterly brainless infinitely, till her brain resumes normal activities (such is subjective)

A whole new entity has taken over the original writer, thus be prepared for more brainless and nonsensical rants.

Spending insane amount of time with an equally intellectually-challenged individual was definitely the major cause of the writer's current escape. Without interesting intellectual sparring, her brain had to settle for the not-too-interesting mindless chatter as per the following.

Trixyy: Let's get some snacks for the movie later!
Intellectually-challenged-bear: Ok! Buy some Nem-and-mens!!
Trixyy: -stares blankly-
Intellectually-challenged-bear: Nem-and-mens, menandnems, AndmenNems?
Trixyy: -brain starts to shut down a little-
Trixyy: You mean, M&Ms?
Intellectually-challegned-bear: shut up.
Trixyy: right.

In addition, the writer had spent the entire Saturday (almost + a little of Friday) explaining the plot and feelings in relation to the last 3 episodes of Fullhouse to the said intellectually challenged companion.

The plan for the original writer was to catch the (amazing) fireworks display at Esplanade on either Friday or Saturday. However, due to very poor planning, the original writer missed the entire thing altogether and only managed to catch a glimpse of it from Suntec city and it was all covered by the trees and some very silly hotels/buildings.

Normally, this would have infuriated her enough to castrate that silly bouncy bear, gorge those useless goldfish eyes out, stomp on them and skin it alive leaving to to bleed to death in a pool of saltwater.
It is sometimes the thought that matter most.
More than watching the (amazing) fireworks display itself. By the way, (amazing) is in brackets because SHE DID NOT CATCH THE ENTIRE FIREWORKS DISPLAY.
All was appeased when that silly bouncy bear offered to rush up and down to the Esplanade and risk having a plate of cold (not-too-appetising) BBQ chicken for dinner just so the writer could watch that entire fireworks display.
It's the the thought that was sweet to the meat (because it rhymes).
And not really watching that fireworks display in itself?

The writer reckons that one should be contented to have caught some amazing fireworks displays a couple of times before than to whine about the few that they had missed recently. Too much of the good stuff is well, not always good.

A hungry bear is a very angry bear.
(Too much Discovery/National Geographic/Animal Planet)

The not-too-interesting events that followed thereafter led to the inevitable demise of the little brain of hers.
KTV in a room choked with second hand smoke, breathing that in nonstop for almost 3 hours straight, reaching back home at an alarming hour of 4frickinAM, sleeping close to 5frickinfrickinAM, waking up at 9frickinfrickinfrickinAM for driving (!!), learning to parallel park for the first time, with instructions fully in teochew/mandarin (!!), turning left when uncle says you like 10 times today (!!) and finally realizing after an awesome 3-working-day week last week, she is back to a full-fledged 5-FULL-day week with a harm-to-the-pocket employee sale upcoming, she surrenders.
Sucummbing to the shits of this bleddy world.

Therefore, her brain decides to go on and auto-shutdown and let whichever entity up for this hercuelean challenge of overcoming Monday blues to take over her now empty brain-slot.

Monday Blues

Oh so you
Eat my shoe
Monday Blues

What to do
Monday Blues

You know you can't resist it
So give in and face defeat
Monday Blues
Monday Blues.


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