::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Sunday, August 06, 2006

He's.. possessed.

Help me.

My boyfriend's possessed.
I am sure he is.

He is suddenly whining to me about my trip to Hong Kong without him, and doing so increasingly often lately.
He is forcing me to meet him for dinner even though I just want to stay home and do nothing. Even when I told him I don't want to go jog with him, and that he should go alone, he insist that I should come with him because he wants me to accompany him. He promises he won't force me to jog, and he would let me stroll if I want to.
He planned for us to take a stroll at Bishan Park after dinner today, but I forgot why we didn't do that in the end. (We didn't in the end, cos I was looking for the vcd set)
He offers to buy me the Princess Hours vcd set that I've been hankering after for a few weeks now. When I couldn't find that full set priced at ($35.90) in Bishan, he offers to buy it for me in AMK tomorrow.
He lets me eat Ajisen without much of a complain today.
He even let me eat maggie mee yesterday night for dinner because I wanted to.
He forced me to wake up this afternoon to watch CSI New York and CSI Miami (we overslept past the first CSI).
Last night, before I slept I asked him what we were going to do on Sunday, he said maybe we can go Klunch (I've been pestering him about this for weeks). This morning, when the alarm rang, he was willing to get up and go AMK for Klunch. (But I was too tired to get my sorryass moving).
When I got home from Bishan, he MSN me giggly and all.
He had the week's meetup schedule all done up. Apparently, I am suppose to meet him on Tuesday, and he ask me if it's alright with me.
Lately, he's been smsing me quite often asking how my work is everyday. (I've been having bad weeks for quite some time)
He called up a friend and asked his friend how much a Destinee diamond ring from Lee Hwa would cost. (He became all normal again and said he'd never buy me one when he realise a 0.5 carat ring was going to cost $7k, and I felt so relieved to find that old boyfriend of mine back)
He gives me little kisses when we are out in public.
Did I say he's so whiny about me going Hong Kong without him?

I'm sure he's possessed.
Something's wrong with him.

I cannot decide if I want to exorcise this side of him.
As much as this new and improved version seems somewhat better than the one I had at the beginning, I am not too sure this is him to begin with.

The sudden (maybe gradual) change is disconcerting.

Sometimes when I blog hop, I have this urge to copy the entire entry of some and edit it the way we sometimes do in primary school. I remember vaguely of this exercise that we had to do. To edit a paragraph that's given. Sometimes I get this urge when I read blogs.
I hate it when people use words that are too big for them. It looks odd really, when you find big words in blogs that are as deep as a puddle of water on the pavement.
If you want to put a point across, please make it readable.
At the end of the day, it's not the English you use that matters, its the point that you want to get across.
Everything fails when you use words that are too big for you.

Try harder next time.

I finally understand how external factors affect a travel retail business.
The typhoon, causing flights to and out of HKG to be cancelled? They are so going to affect my business.
I think I just saw my bonus go down that stinking drain.
I have to eat bread now to make it for Korea next year with Ashpixie.
But you bet I'm going to do anything to make sure I squander save enough money to go.


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