::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cameron Highlands

I was away in Cameron Highlands for the weekend.
It was absolutely worth the ten hours up. The place reminded me a little of Yunnan and I kinda miss those days now.

Anyhow, let the pictures do the talking.

They have lots of pretty flowers there! Almost felt like I was in Summer Scent

I reached the hotel at 10am in the morning and there were no rooms available for check in yet. Amazingly I still had the energy to do silly stuff like jump around in the open field near the hotel for pictures.
I realise I can't jump very high. But I insist its because I was wearing skirt.

We joined some Agro-delight tour and our first stop was some flower nursery/cactus valley. Honestly, I've never seen that many flowers in my life before..

You'd realise I didn't take alot of pictures with the cactus, because they honestly freak me out. I mean, I have this fear of sitting on some cactus.

Some of you are probably wonder who I went to Cameron Highlands with.

So we kissed and made up.

We went to the Strawberry farm next. That place is so steep it honestly freaked me out way too much. And because we got to pluck our own strawberries (and I was greedy) I climbed up and up and up in search for the biggest and reddest strawberries!!!!
The coming down was freaky. I had to wait for people to come rescue me.

But it was all worth it.
Check out that box of strawberries.
I pluck them myself ok. That's why I look so darn happy with that box.
Though I must admit I took such a long time with the strawberries, the bangla workers there got so frustrated with me, he took the box and filled it up for me after I took this picture.

I even crossed this flimsy wooden plank in search of more strawberries.
This is more dangerous than it looks, my hand was shaking when I was taking this picture.

After the strawberries, we actually went to some vegetable farm. But because it's just vegetables (and that place stank real bad) we didn't take much pictures until we visited this chrysanthemen nursery ( I know I spelt it wrong, so shoot me)

This reminds me of Summer Scent.
Really did.

This is the part that reminded me of Yunnan the most.
Not because of my silly hair (that made me look like a PRC farmer), but the background. It's some water cress farmland (I think) and in Yunnan, the terraces are almost similar but wayy bigger.

I have nothing much to say about this picture. Except that this was the only picture we took together and he look like a dork.
What's up with that face man?

Did I say I have a fetish for small eyes (ala Rain)? I obviously don't have a fetish for goldfish eyes.

I had wanted this effect in my earlier jumps. But somehow, he can't seem to be able to capture the moment as well as I could for him.
I honestly don't think it's because I couldn't jump high enough. I insist it's because my skirt had its limitations.

Some crazy stuff we did with my camera. Well, I took this picture. But the color ain't fantastic. It's not the flower, it's my camera. Till I manage to master photoshop, this is the next best alternative.

No need to whisper now. He looks fat in the picture because he is fat. It's alright to tell him in his face. My mum did that too.

Yes. I am fat too.

Because we are both fat, we attempted to jog yesterday. Ok, more like I attempted to jog yesterday. I think I did a max of 600 metres before I declared I was going to die. Jogging almost killed me yesterday. Can't blame me man. The last time I actually jogged was 2 years ago. I had only enough energy to convince myself to get my ass down to the park, none was left to propel me forward.

So, I listed all possible excuse for him to just let me off.
1. I couldn't breathe
2. I wanted to puke
3. Me thighs were itching like hell
4. My stomach hurts
5. I'm going to die.

He still insisted I carried on.
I think he was trying to kill me.

Tomorrow he's going to try kill me again. We are going to watch Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead man's chest tomorrow. No jogging, not for another 10 years.


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