::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thinking / Planning / Wants / Needs

1. I want to go Hong Kong Disneyland
I thought after going Taiwan.. I would be like.. contented.
But.. honestly.. Taiwan left me itching for more.
Afterall, when you are travelling.. you spend all your time doing literally nothing, nothing stressful that is.
All you do.. is eat, sleep, shop.
THAT is life.

And I am like officially fascinated with Disneyland now.
Saw it on TV just now..
It's Mickey Mouse leh..
Ok.. perhaps I wasn't born in the time where pokemon is the in-thing.
But Disneyland had always been fantasy ok.
Seeing Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got be all excited somehow.. I have no idea why.
And that beauuuutttiful castle.
I mean.. Isn't that a dream come true?

2. I want to take leave and sleep all day.
If only the days I am on leave.. the weather is as good as today's.
I woke up to grey skies, heavy rain.
I mean.. common.. it is a sin to work on days like that..
Too beautiful to snuggle in and just snore till the late afternoon lor.
Every weekend morning should be like that.

3. I need to save money
A quick math had me stumped.
I spent $2400 on travelling expenses alone this year.
Though I would like to add, the experience makes it all so darn worth it..
But.. 2.4k is no joke leh... I seriously could have put that money to better use..
I could buy like 3 gucci bags can (ok, so this is not better use)..
But really.. with 2.4k I think I could almost have gone to some part of Europe.
But be really merry in Australia.

Maybe I should scrape the Hong Kong plans to save whole heartedly for Europe... Cos I so wanna go Prague.
Been reading about couples going to Prague for their wedding pics.
Not to take wedding pics la.
Just to go and take uber cool pics.

4. I am thinking of an mini Xmas party.
Actually I had this idea when Lin wanted to have a birthday party.. and she told me some of her ideas.
Since she did not have a birthday party in the end (I seriously think we are wayyy too old for this).
I was actually thinking of having a mini xmas gathering..
Riding on Lin's plan la.

In case you are wondering what the plan really is..
I shall disclose now to get feedback. But let me emphasize.. this plan was thought of by Lin and I.
So I would truly appreciate if everyone and anyone respects it, and not pass it off as their own (somewhere else).
Once bitten, twice shy.

I can't remember who thought of what.
But someone said KTV, another said costume party.
And linking that together..
We'd have a costume party at a KTV la.

Dress up as a singer.. Turn up at the KTV, and sing a song of that singer you dressed up in.
Jolin Tsai (hmmm)
Pan Wei Bo (hmmmm...)
SHE (hahaha)

Well. it's just an idea.
I am declaring it now..
That I am no longer going to help plan for birthdays from next year on.

But seriously.. After a year long experience.. I realise it is just not an easy task to get everyone of us out to sit together and have dinner.
Worse.. when we have to settle on presents.
After each birthday.. I would tell myself.. the next one, I am not going to plan it.
I am not going to call everyone out. I am not going to bother. I shall wait for some other to plan.
But each time.. when nobody does.. I just feel so bad.
It's somewhat unfair. If we celebrated for friend A and did nothing for friend B.

I decided to take up the task of Alicia's birthday.. Because she is afterall my friend for twenty odd years.
And in those twenty years, the only celebrations I remembered were those when we were kids.

After Alicia's birthday.. I thought I was going to wash my hand in the golden basin.
But but but..
Not very fair.

So, in my feeble last attempt...
Here it is:

If you are a friend of Siew Lin.. and wish to celebrate her birthday with her for a small dinner. Please respond.
I will be meeting her next Saturday for dinner to celebrate belatedly her birthday for her. And in case you are a friend of Siew Lin's but are clueless to when her birthday is (see below).
I have already bought her, her birthday present. Therefore, if you are a friend of Siew Lin's and wish to buy her a little something for her birthday.. Please do so on your own.

If you are my friend.. and wish to meet up for the last mini gathering that I will so feebly attempt to organise. Please also do respond.
Conditions do apply.
(you have to be a friend of Siew Lin's)

If you are Siew Lin, you do not have to respond.

It is only right.. if as a friend.. you attempt to organise at least one other friend's birthday celebration in a year.
Search your conscience deep deep hor.
And I beeseech those guilty ones to start finding out who's birthday is next.


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