::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I am so majorly upset.

- My hair is thinning like severly. Please please please tell me how I can stop it. I would give a leg to stop those thinning hair.
- I have so many things I want to say to that special someone. But he just doesn't have the time for me. It's almost as if he doesn't care. How can you? When you interrupt me and tell me you will call me back.. and do so like almost an hour later.
- I have alot of things at work to do these days. But yet, I go off at 6pm sharp. It's like.. I am too used to not working overtime. It'll kill me to just ask me to work those extra few hours.
- I can't make decisions. I totally totally suck at decision making. But it's like.. when I hope that I can get a better opinion or a 2nd view on some major decision in life.. Nobody is ever free to hear me out. So I wait.. wait and wait and wait. So much so.. I forget what is bothering me anymore.
Perhaps you'd think it's good. To forget what is bothering you.
BUT BUT BUT. Though the issues are forgotten.. The gnawing feelin remains. It's like.. you know there is something eating at you.. But you just cannot put a finger to it and describe it at length. Hence, not fully solving the issue altogether.
- I am so freak tired. Yet, it's not sleep I am lack off. I have no frickin idea what it is.
- I whine and whine about renovating my life. But thus far, the furthest I got to, is to think about it. No positive actions.. in fact no action at all whatsoever.
- I know I am getting old. I know for a fact that memory is failing me. And I so fucking hate this feeling. Can I like remember every single thing I thought about?? Instead of letting those thoughts leak out like a stupid dam.
- I hate being frustrated and there is no one to pour everything out to. Talking to the 2 carebears is beginning to freak me out. Because for sure, they can't reply, when they do.. You'd know I've seriously gone mad.
- As much as I try not to be shallow.. I hate being poor. How I always preach about.. it's not the clothes you wear that makes a person shine, it's her character and personality.
Sometimes, I am just so tired of that crap.. and think.. SCREW THAT SHIT.
Pile those designer stuff on me, and I will look as good as one can be.
But even after I say screw that shit, I still can't pile those stuff on me, because I am so fucking poor.
- I hate talking/thinking to myself, period.


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