::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Imagine you wake up one day, with the sudden inspiration to buy toto...
You walk to the nearest Singapore Pools, and buy a quick pick that costs 50 cents.
You place the slip into your wallet and forgot all about the slip until a couple of days later.
You were doing your groceries shopping when you suddenly remembered the slip..
You take it out and check it online..

You realise, you were the sole winner of the 2.8 mil lottery.
The world starts crashing around you...
Then you start to wonder.. did it really happen.
With Samsung, it is not that hard to imagine.

In case you are so bloody dense.
I did not strike it big at the lottery.
I don't even buy toto for goodness sake.
I am just riding on the latest Samsung advertisements, which I think are way cool.
Especially the one, where the girl hands the guy a Samsung phone and runs off. Hahaha
Really got me imagining, if you know what I mean.

I met Lin today for her birthday dinner, like finally.
Brought her to the Shiseido sale before dinner as a surprise actually.
Cos, as we all know, she is totally into cosmetics.. and the Shiseido sale comprises brands like Ettusai and ZA.. so how can I not think of her, when I receive the mailer for the supposed-to-be-private sale.
Anyhow, my plan was to meet her, and just grab her up to the sale.. But she had something on later.. So I was compelled to let the cat out of the bag.
In the end, I actually walk out of the sale with one item more than her.
I am hopeless.

Anyway, if you are interested in the sale.. which ends I think on Friday.. sms me, and I will forward you the mailer. Without the mailer, I think you cannot go in.
It is not really very worth going.. cos the queue is like.. bloody long.. (luckily we went early)..
And the stuff.. are not exactly dirt cheap. I expected it to be cheaper.

Ettusai oil control make up base : $10
Ettusai matt control gel foundation : $10
Shiseido cream duo eyeshadow : $13

That is all I bought from the sale... judging from the crazy ladies that went, I think the damage is rather minimal already.. there was some fanatics.. who bought like 6 bottles of God-knows-what.

I smell it.. can you?
The weekend is approaching..
It feels good.. to have 2.5 days of leave that you must clear in this month.
That gives me absolute power to choose the days in which I just want to stay home and rot.

In relation to the below entry..
Mr Carebear has a new theory.. and that is..
For the past year or so, I have been subtly transferring my fats to him.. And therefore, on the reverse now.. I have slimmer cheeks, and he has fatter ones.
Not that my cheeks are like very much slimmer now.. But his is definitely wayyyy bigger.
But I really like it that way.. sooooo pinchable and cuteee.. I likeeee..

WAIT a minute.
My cheeks are still fat what..
What is your problem??

Oh by the way..
I snipped my hair. And its gross.
Please don't ask me what happened.. But I so totally miss my hairstylist.. She just had to resign and quit without telling me! Now I am stuck with.. no decent hairstylist once more.. and I hate trial and error ok?
Everyone in my company literally laughed at my fringe today.. and this is so not funny.

It makes my day.. when I made someone's day.
My boss was so pleased with the birthday present that I got for her.. she was almost in tears. And I am no kidding.
It's not the gift per se.
It was the thought I guess.
I bought her the Crabtree & Evelyn hand therapy lotion.. Something I know she really really wanted.. but didn't want to spend the money to buy for herself.
It is not that cheap alright..
But because she is boss, and she is going to write my appraisal.. I think it is a worthwhile longterm investment.
And it helps too, that she is so nice to me now..

And Siew Lin, I hope I made your day!
Though it was nothing much la.. But I still manage to get you the Tiffa black eyeliner (with gold sparkles) from Taiwan, and help you buy the Kate Curl Memory Mascara hor..
Ain't she such a baddddd influence?


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey thank u so much! v touched also.. hahahaa n i where got bad influence? *innocent stare* - siew lin


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