::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

(dengue) fever

I thought I had dengue fever yesterday.
Real scary thought.
With a previous mosquito bite.. Sudden queasiness in the stomach and weakness all over my body..
I convinced myself I was going to die.

All thanks to the 细心照顾 that I received from carebear.. My fever subsided.
I was burning up with a fever so high I think you could have fried an egg on my face.
And to think, he thinks its pretty when the cheeks are so flushed red.
I'd give up the fever for pale white face anytime.
1 panadol and a cold wet towel was all it took.. to chase those dengue fever calls away.
Ok la.. and a few hugs and kisses.
When the fever subsided.. I had to finally abandon those fearful thoughts..
So I don't have dengue.. and I am not going to die afterall.

My parents are finally gonna be home tomorrow!
And I hope they bring me loads of goodies from BKK.
I can be totally lazy once more.


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