::: Trixyy :::

Butterflies and Broken Wings. :: Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter ::

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Adam Chen

My newfound love.. Adam Chen.
I've been watching a tad too much of TV lately.

Man oh Man
Thursdays, 8pm.
Do catch it.

With Adam Chen, Tay Ping Hui and Jeff Wang.. It is hard to give that a miss I tell you.
Especially when they feature Adam Chen in board shorts wakeboarding.
That is like enough to make me dream happy dreams on Thursdays.
I've never really given Adam Chen a second look. I always thought he was like just another actor trying to make it big in the really small Singapore.
Till I flipped eighdays, till I saw that episode with him wakeboarding.
He's got a nice bod can.
And he so totally can rival Ljungberg lor.

Ok, perhaps on second thoughts, Pan Wei Bo might not be too bad of a choice either.
Afterall, I shook his hand and saw him up close.
-deep sigh-

I caught Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Friday. Though I was so frickin tired. I still manage to pull through the entire movie without sleeping.
The movie is amazing.
Then again, Goblet of Fire is my favourite of the entire Harry Potter series. So I think it's only natural that I think this movie is the best thus far.
At least it didn't disappoint as much as Prisoner of Azkaban did.

1. Harry Potter ain't as cute as I remembered.
2. Dumbledore is disappointingly fierce in the movie. He came across as unfeeling, unlike the kind gentle man we read about in the books. I mean, Harry is really suppose to be close to Dumbledore.. But in the movie.. It's almost like they had a normal principal-student relationship.
3. Victor Krum is boring. I expected him to speak. But he didn't really. I imagined Victor Krum to be this thin, long haired and sullen looking guy. But instead.. he looks pudgy and boring.
4. I thought the Fleur was suppose to be part veela... so where's that silver hair?
5. I really wanted to see the veelas perform before the Quidditch match and watch the guys go crazy about them..
6. Lord Voldermot is.. ugly can? Where's his nose??
7. Maxime is.. weird.. really weird.
8. Where's Percy, Charlie and Bill? Did I miss them?

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the movie.
It thrilled me more than PoA did.

Believe it or not..
I actually vacuumed and mopped the floor.
Plus, wash the clothes.
Not that I've suddenly become so domesticated..
But I didn't really have a choice.
It's either I do all that.. or risk having my parents scream at me when they return from BKK.

Life's unfair.
I had to do all that, whilst my brother gets away with watering the plants.
I mean.. What is so bloody difficult about watering the plants?

I spent close to $100 on retail therapy today.
After a week of built-up stress and boredom.. I guess it all broke loose today.
And I just couldn't help but splurge on.. nonsense.
Let's not deepen the depression by discussing what I've bought. Instead..
I think I should just pretend that none of that happened today.



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